Founder and Executive Director of Divine Inspirations, Capriece Piper, has been able to captivate the imagination of girls who have found a home in the dance-arts programs held in their studio in Potomac Mills. Dedicated to providing quality and affordable arts and mentorship programs to girls, Divine Inspirations Center for the Arts (DICA) is filling a huge gap in Prince William County. The Center is the first of its kind and the fulfillment of the dream of its Founder, Capriece Piper, who wanted to create a place where young girls can increase their self-esteem and character development through the arts.

The Panmerican-Panafrican Association’s directors were so captivated by the Center’s recent dance performance which highlighted 50 young girls ranging from ages 3 to 17, that it has offered scholarships to two deserving dancers, Stephanie Rivera and Takira Moore, so they may continue their studies at the Center. They are the most recent recipients of the Robert Starling Pritchard Arts Scholarship, which the Panamerican-Panafrican bestows on deserving performing or visual arts students throughout the world.

Stephanie and Takira were selected because of their passion for the arts. 14 year old Stephanie, will continue her arts education after her graduation from high school, where she maintains a 4.0 GPA, despite many social and economic challenges. She also aspires to be one of the few minority neurologists, which will make her a first-generation college graduate.

Capriece Piper vision has come to fruition. She stated that “I was put on this earth to give back to my community.” And truly she has with great passion and hard work, creating DICA, her 501(c)3 organization, which has been cultivating wellness, social inclusion, and academic success for girls that are at risk, underprivileged, and fighting childhood obesity.

Stephanie Rivera (L) and Takira Moore (R) recipients of the Panamerican-Panafrican Association’s Robert Starling Pritchard Arts Scholarship, with DICA Founder, Capriece Piper (C)

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